In the charming town of Magnolia, a young woman named Isabella Swan finds herself entangled with the enigmatic and handsome doctor, Edward Cullen. After a series of comedic mishaps and misunderstandings, Isabella's father, Atticus Finch, urges her to win Edward's heart before the year's end. As the two navigate the complexities of love, medicine, and social expectations in the early 1900s, they discover that sometimes, the heart is the most difficult ailment to cure.
Mr George left the country, he committed a crime and ran away from the country, Mary and Racheal. Then started a new life with Ami, but Ami wasn't aware. She gave birth to two girls for him, Helsi and Nancy.They both grew up without the knowledge of the first wife their father married, George left his company for his daughter Helsi before they got murdered
"Introduction:Eight years of deep companionship, only to end up with a body of pain and injury. She was tired, no longer wanting to love.Michael Scott, let me go, I'll let you go, we owe each other nothing from now on."
Stephanie is a young woman who is desperate for work. Her desperation leads her to take an internship with a mysterious boss who turns out to be a cat. As she struggles to adapt to this new lifestyle, she finds herself drawn into a web of intrigue and deception. Can Stephanie survive the new job?
"Introduction:I hated my father, from the age of nine to nineteen, I just wanted to live for my mother.But just as I escaped one disaster, fate sentenced me to death, with a one-year reprieve.When my mother left, I was completely desperate about the world.It was that boy who gave up everything to pull me out of the abyss, letting me sink into his arms...The rest of my life is too short, I want to give you all the love of my life."
"With deep roots like trees, I have you, ****** Fang Jin mustered her courage time and again, looking at Cheng Huaibei with sincerity, saying, “Just say yes to me.”But Cheng Huaibei remained indifferent, casting a casual glance, “Don’t look at me with those eyes that haven’t even dried yet.”Fang Jin was stunned, realizing that this man’s heart was as cold as steel. No matter how hard she tried, she could never find her way into his world. Each approach only brought her disappointment, yet s