Synopsis: "Fleeting Years: A Solo Journey" is a poignant tale of youth and self-discovery. It follows the journey of Mia Miller, a young woman navigating the complexities of life, love, and dreams. As she faces betrayals, heartbreak, and the overwhelming challenges of growing up, Mia learns to make choices that will shape her future. Set against the backdrop of a bustling American city, this story is a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit, as Mia finds support in her fami
We will take it for granted if someone consistently loves us. Julia has been guarding her love for ten years, but she lost only to a sentence: I miss you. Lauren just defeated her with the three words. Julia feels that the cruelest thing that Robert has ever done is that he knows that she is deeply in love with him, but he walks up to her and tells her that he wants to divorce her and marry another woman...
When love reaches its end, like spilled water, it cannot be retrieved. If there is an afterlife, I wish not to love you, not to step into your world again.
"You pierced her heart like an arrow, ****** step by step, Sheng Luoyan finally broke free from the shackles of her past.After five long, dark years, it has finally come to an end!She gently touched the empty spot on her back, a surge of unquenchable hatred rising in her chest.Those who hurt her before, she will never forgive!"
Zoe, betrayed by her ex-boyfriend Tom for money, is pushed into a life-altering surgery. Deceived into believing it's for her own heart condition, she discovers the truth too late. As she fights for her life on the operating table, another woman loses hers. Ivan Xiang, a man with a vested interest in the operation, confronts Zoe with the reality that she now owes a life she can never repay. Set in Metro General Hospital, "Love, Second Chance" explores themes of deception, love, and th
it's the story of a young girl who decides to let go just once in her life, but what she doesn't know is that this night is likely to change her whole life