Synopsis: At the tender age of eighteen, Joy Cooper, facing desperate circumstances, becomes a surrogate mother through a binding agreement. Unbeknownst to her, she gives birth to twins and secretly keeps one. Years later, by a twist of fate, she encounters a boy who is the spitting image of her son, leading her to the realization that the boy's father is none other than a tycoon with immense wealth and power, Tyler Sky. As Joy navigates through the complexities of her past and the threats of th
In the opulent courts of ancient America, Sharon, a queen of noble birth, finds herself entangled in a web of intrigue and betrayal. Accused of plotting against the royal heir by her own husband, Emperor Lincoln, she must navigate the treacherous waters of court politics to prove her innocence and protect her family's honor. As alliances are tested and secrets revealed, Sharon's journey leads her through a maze of love, power, and the relentless pursuit of truth.
Synopsis: When Mr. Wolf receives a mysterious fax from his friend Ted Hsu featuring an enigmatic skull with a peculiar circular pattern on its forehead, his curiosity drives him to embark on an adventure in Yunnan. What starts as a light-hearted exploration turns into a series of unnatural accidents, entangling them in a millennia-old grudge. Is it a mischievous prank, an ancient treasure hunt, or a resurgence of demons? Join Mr. Wolf and Ted as they delve into the unknown, unraveling secrets th
Despite the visible hatred that Aaron and khair had for each other. Their parents chose to get them married, a marriage which came with a whole lot of hurdles and emotional breakdown.Copyright 2019©Written by Kudirat Adam®
" In this world, you are the only one in my heart, yet you remain indifferent to me.I love deeply, but your hurt runs even deeper."
In the heart-wrenching tale "If We Still Have Spring," Jane Eyre finds herself in a loveless marriage with Edward Cullen, the heir to the Cullen Family fortune in Seattle. As Edward grapples with a dire illness, he coldly pushes Jane away, demanding a divorce. Yet, Jane, discovering she's pregnant with a child that may not survive, refuses to sign the papers, clinging to the hope that their love can weather this storm. As Edward's health deteriorates, he brings Claire Randall