Synopsis: "The Last Leaf" is a poignant tale that explores the intricate dynamics of sibling rivalry, the unspoken rules of social hierarchy, and the impact of academic achievements on self-worth. Through the eyes of Lily Thompson, the narrative delves into the complexities of family bonds, the challenges of living in the shadow of a high-achieving sister, and the search for personal identity amidst the pressures of school and society. This story is a heartfelt exploration of the joys and sorrow
Sheng Qianqian poured all her love into Zeng Zeyan, and for many years, he was the only one in her heart, dictating the rise and fall of her emotions. She never imagined that one day they would become enemies, with their relationship as incompatible as fire and water. The pain she endured over the years has left her exhausted, and now she only wishes she had never fallen for Zeng Zeyan.
Lola Morton, once labeled as a jinx and an ungrateful woman, has retreated into her own world, living like a hedgehog with spines up. Everything changes with the appearance of a man named Alexander Hunt, who claims, "Let me show you what it means for me to like you." When he protects her with his own life, she believes that his affection is real. However, what she doesn't know is that his feelings for her are not a recent development; he has had his eye on her for a long time. This st
Sarah Ray, the most notorious woman in Oak City, was rumored to have lost count of the men she had been with, a price she paid for falling in love with a man named JacksonRuan. "When you grow up, I will marry you," he had promised under the romantic night at Victoria Harbor. But when she grew up and came to his side, all she received was his fierce grip on her neck, demanding, "You must pay for the life of my child!" ... Mr.Ruan, I once loved you with all my heart, but what to do? Now
"Synopsis:Jake Thompson despised Emily Adams; he always thought he had a lifetime to torment her.But when he heard the news of her plane going missing, Jake Thompson suddenly realized that hate is a synonym for love!"
Stephanie is a young woman who is desperate for work. Her desperation leads her to take an internship with a mysterious boss who turns out to be a cat. As she struggles to adapt to this new lifestyle, she finds herself drawn into a web of intrigue and deception. Can Stephanie survive the new job?