Synopsis: Rose Martin, a young and naive woman, finds herself in a luxurious presidential suite, eagerly anticipating a night with River Han, the notorious leader of the Dragon Emperor Society, who rules the Asian underworld. Known for his irresistible charm and ruthless ways, River is a man who leaves a trail of broken hearts. But for Rose, this is more than a night of passion; it's a chance to prove her uniqueness. However, River has other plans, seeing their encounter as just a transaction. A
Introduction:Sarah Thompson always felt that she was incredibly fortunate to meet Jake Williams, who rescued her from the flames and protected her in a greenhouse. However, as some unusual events unfolded, she discovered his true identity was actually...
In the charming town of Magnolia, a young woman named Isabella Swan finds herself entangled with the enigmatic and handsome doctor, Edward Cullen. After a series of comedic mishaps and misunderstandings, Isabella's father, Atticus Finch, urges her to win Edward's heart before the year's end. As the two navigate the complexities of love, medicine, and social expectations in the early 1900s, they discover that sometimes, the heart is the most difficult ailment to cure.
"Synopsis:Once, Ethan Hunt was the only beam of light in Sophia Turner's dusk, but later those dark days were all given by him.And Sophia Turner was a mole on Ethan Hunt's heart, because it didn't hurt, Ethan Hunt never cared.Until one day, the mole on the heart was cut off with skin and flesh, and he was panicked, he was heartbroken, he was in pain, he was looking everywhere, but he couldn't find it anymore."
Sarah, once immersed in happiness, is jolted awake by a tragic reality upon the birth of her child. After two years of courtship and two years of marriage, she discovers her love was never reciprocated. As Mason, her husband, strips her of hope for life, Sarah finds herself in a desperate situation, questioning the man she once loved. This emotional rollercoaster follows Sarah's journey through betrayal, heartbreak, and the struggle to escape a love that has turned cold. Will she
"Synopsis:In the 21st century, Jay Gatsby, a proud post-90s, finds himself in the awkward situation of an arranged marriage. Fortunately, the other person in the marriage is in the same boat. A pair of pretend spouses, a couple of happy rivals, a conspiracy without clues, and a secret from ten years ago..."