Synopsis: Luna Ray has loved a man with all her humility, accompanying him like a moth to a flame for nine hundred years. Unbeknownst to her, he never needed her company. She loved him for nearly a millennium, while he harbored hatred for her for the same duration. In the heavenly realm, by the side of the Samsara Stone, she remains alone, waiting in vain for his love...
Synopsis: In the quaint town of Willow Creek, Emily Wilson's birth marks the beginning of a tale that explores the complexities of love, family, and the true meaning of friendship. As the Wilson family navigates the challenges of a patriarchal society, they must confront their own biases and the expectations placed upon them. Will they uphold tradition or forge a new path? A Love Unlike Any Other delves into the heart of what it means to be a family in modern America.
Synopsis: In a time of war and upheaval, Linda Moon helped her husband David Duval rise to the position of a powerful commander, granting him wealth and honor. But it was also this man who ultimately led her to a tragic end in a sea of flames. Reborn to her youth, she vows to take revenge on those who wronged her, including her treacherous uncle's wife, cunning cousin, and the hypocritical white lotus. Most importantly, she must stay away from the man who once held her heart. As she navigates th
In the high skies, where the air is thin and the emotions run deep, Love Above the Clouds tells the story of Evelyn Brooks, an air traffic controller, and Howard Blake, a pilot. Their professional lives are intertwined as they navigate the skies, but their personal relationship is as turbulent as the weather. As Evelyn discovers the truth about Howard's infidelity and the return of his long-lost love, Rose, she must decide whether to stay grounded or take a leap of faith into the unkn
Due to an accident, Lauren is reduced from a workplace elite to a blind woman. She thought at least she had a husband who loved her, but who would have thought that he was the mastermind behind everything...
In the sparse starlight, she realizes that the man about to enter the marriage hall with her is nothing more than a scoundrel. Faced with the upcoming wedding, she decides to let go and search for true happiness. Her ex wants to reconcile? Her Boss easily handles it. The scoundrel's current girlfriend causes trouble? Boss steps in again. The name of the child? Still decided by Boss. In this world full of variables, she has found her true support.